Both in our app, and on our website, your privacy is important to us.

  • Use cookies and similar technologies to understand how you found this website and how we can improve it for you. (Thank you! We will also hide some cute cats across the website. 🐈)

To learn more, please refer to our Website Privacy Policy. We also have a separate App Privacy Policy and a Data Processing Agreement available for you.

Why It May Be Necessary to Reinstall Sidequest

Sometimes, we may ask you to reinstall Sidequest to your workspace. Usually, this is the case because we release new features that require additional permissions. Sometimes, reinstallation may also be required to solve unexpected issues.

To reinstall Sidequest, simply follow these steps:

  1. 1

    Don't worry about your data.

    When you reinstall Sidequest to your workspace, all data will remain available. There will also not be any downtime – the reinstallation is quick and easy.

  2. 2

    Initiate the reinstallation.

    Open You will automatically be forwarded to the Slack installation wizard, which will ask you to (re-)grant premissions. If you are a member of multiple workspaces, ensure that the correct workspace has been selected in the dropdown menu in the top-right hand corner. Click the green approval button on the bottom.

  3. 3

    Let us know in case you run into any issues.

    You're already done! In case anything does not go according to plan, make sure to let us know and we'll be in touch within 24 hours.